Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Welcome to Anywhere

This is a story about my life, but it's not really important to know who I am... I'm a nobody, really, a girl who grew up in a midwestern city with big dreams and weird circumstances, who managed to get out.

By GETTING OUT, I do not mean that the physical part (i.e. "getting out of town") was the most crucial part.  I did, by sheer happenstance, leave the place where I was born and raised.  But by GETTING OUT, I mean I was able to finally GET OUT of the mind traps that kept me confused about who I was and what I wanted to do with my time in this crazy, beautiful, confusing, seems-short-though-sometimes-it-feels-awfully-long life.

This is not something that has been fast, easy, or available on Amazon.com.  There are many college classes available to learn an art, or a skill, or a business.  But I have yet to find the answers to my questions about the long haul; the sometimes very lonely path of actually being an artist of some sort, "for real," in real everyday life.  The questions I have about trying to balance making a living with being creative.  Or about the ecstasy of creating late in the night, when "you should be sleeping," but you can't, and let tomorrow come hell or highwater, cause you're really on to something!!!

I think it's taken my entire life to get to a place where I am able to make the statement "I know what I love to do, and I want to do what I love, and I won't settle for anything less."

Sometimes I have found great mentors in certain chapters of my life, other times, I have wandered around wondering what the hell I think I'm doing.  And then there are those times when I am alone, and dig deep, and feel that I know exactly what I'm doing, even if nobody else understands it or cares, I am living out of my TRUE NATURE. And that is when everything you've learned and experienced comes together in one great big chi-ball of feeling your own true identity.

The purpose of this blog is to share my experiences with others like me in hopes that it will help some other restless wandering soul in the middle of the night...

Someone like me who  may have any or all of these things: big passions, vivid dreams, indecision, bold inspiration, quiet urges, a favorite song, a lost hobby, bad credit, big hopes, fiery impulses, epic heartbreaks, spirited changes, a closet full of colored paper scraps, a drawer full of notebooks, a book on that thing you were gonna do, a car with a bad muffler, a phone number in the pocket that could lead to destiny, a desk job you have to drink coffee to stay awake at, a dream to drive across country in an RV, a vision of yourself doing something awesome that you have no idea what it is, a story, a memory, a loss, or a joyful dorky burst of needing to dance...

There is hope for you yet. More hope for you, in fact, than maybe anyone else in the world...

So I will gladly share my journey of longing, courage, pain, and (quite often), embarrassment, for you.

With love, from me...
Fluxus Flux

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