Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Talk To Strangers

Here are some of the things that have NOT happened to me when I’ve chosen to talk to strangers:

1-    Was kidnapped
2-    Was robbed
3-    body parts put in jars in somebody’s fridge
4-    the sky fell
5-    I accidentally got puked on
6-    murdered in other ways
7-    became a hooker
8-    joined a cult
9-    walked away with a post-it note on my back that said “kick me.”

Here are some of the things that HAVE happened:

1-    enlightenment
2-    encouragement
3-    free drinks
4-    free cab rides!
5-    Offering someone else perspective as well as receiving it
6-    Gained new supporters
7-    Sometimes, mild boredom, but usually, not!
8-    Sense of community
9-    Pleasant surprises
10- Career boosts
11- Friendships
12- Knowledge about things I would have otherwise never discovered for myself.
13- Cheering up someone else.
14- Sometimes I MAY have felt slightly dorky, but that would usually pass upon hearing some delightful piece of information, such as they also like squirrels.
15- Curiousity often satisfied about various things about that person.
16- A plate of homemade sausage and peppers.

It takes courage to talk to strangers.  There are all sorts of reasons why we shouldn’t… especially women.  God knows what people will think of us brash tarts, saddled up to some stranger by ourselves at a countertop? The nerve! Good girls do not talk to strangers.  Likewise, self-respecting gentlemen keep to themselves.  We should all go about our day, taking care of our own business, in isolation, leaving each other alone.  Like ants.  And stylish ants, at that.   Ants in skinny jeans, not breathing, staring straight ahead, looking cool, silent, until we pass out from lack of air. 

Or, we could start communicating with each other.  Find out what we could do to encourage someone else, instead of focusing on our own meager mental chatter all day long.  We might find someone to work on our decorative cupcake sculpture with us.  We could teach someone else how to knit, or learn how to play the xylophone.  Organize a neighborhood clean-up at the park.  Have a new addition to your monthly record-listening party. 

You don’t have to travel to an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere to spend time with a stranger.  And, sure, use your intuition when inviting people to your home.  Boundaries with strangers are okay.  But… if you’re the kind of person who resists talking to strangers, next time when you see someone you’d like to talk to, or ask them where they got that fabulous 5” wide tie or vintage bracelet, start a conversation.  You never know what might come out of that conversation, for both of you. 

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